Sensitive Teeth: What Are the Causes & How To Deal With It Safely


If eating ice cream makes your teeth hurt, it means you have tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity is caused by enamel erosion and is quite common.

Causes Of Sensitivity

The nerve endings in each tooth are protected by the enamel. If the enamel is damaged or eroded, you might start to feel pain when eating cold or hot foods. Enamel cannot be restored, and thus it is essential that kids and adults protect the enamel on their teeth.

Some people might naturally have thinner enamel and thus, are more susceptible to sensitivity. Other times, it may have worn down due to:

· Brushing too vigorously

· Using a hard toothbrush

· Grinding the teeth (bruxism)

· Eating acidic foods

There might be other reasons such as gum recession, tooth decay, broken teeth, and gastroesophageal reflux.

How To Protect Your Teeth From Sensitivity


Avoid Cold Foods

If your teeth are sensitive to cold, you should avoid biting or, if possible, eating cold foods.

Use A Sensitivity Toothpaste

Choose a toothpaste that is specially made for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes have desensitizing ingredients that do not cause irritation and help block the discomfort you face due to the exposed tooth nerves.

Use A Softer Toothbrush

Hard toothbrushes can damage the enamel from your teeth. Use a toothbrush with softer bristles as it can help reduce gum irritation which is the cause of tooth sensitivity.

Make Use Of A Mouthwash

Try an alcohol-free mouthwash. Mouthwashes are less irritating to sensitive teeth.

Fluoride Gel

Fluoride gel can strengthen tooth enamel can reduce the transmission of sensations.

Crown, Inlay, Or Bonding

These methods are used to correct a flaw that may be causing the sensitivity.

Surgical Gum Graft


If a root loses the gum tissue, this method will protect the roots.

Root Canal

If the sensitivity is severe, then your dentist might recommend this option. This will eliminate the problem.

About Advanced Dental Center

If you live in the Maryland area, Advanced Dental Center would be happy to help schedule you for dental treatment. 

Advanced Dental Center is a leading dental clinic serving patients in Gaithersburg, Germantown, and Frederick counties. Our team of dentists is always eager to help people develop healthy dental habits and learn more about their teeth. Visit our website to set up an appointment.
