Reasons How a Crooked Smile Can Affect Your Confidence

 The act of smiling has a positive psychological impact on one’s personality. Studies show that a smile – forced or genuine – elevates mood because it releases endorphins. Since your body cannot tell whether the smile has been faked or real, doing so can boost your confidence.


Despite the benefits of smiling, many people are self-conscious of their smiles due to poor oral hygiene. A crooked smile can affect your self-esteem in three ways:

First Impression

A crooked smile leaves a bad first impression, and we all know first impressions have a lasting effect. We encounter new people every other day, and they will notice your teeth, especially if they aren't well-maintained. Their glare can quickly make you self-conscious and shatter your confidence.

Dissatisfaction With One’s Self

Yellowish, poorly-maintained, or crooked teeth make people discontent with themselves. It is not always about how others see us. We are our biggest critics, and according to research, teeth are the second most important thing that people feel embarrassed about.

Particularly, young people transitioning into adulthood are often teased about their crooked teeth. If you have been teased in your teen life about a crooked smile, chances are you will remain dissatisfied with your smile.

It Affects One’s Perception

Since first impressions last longer, your crooked smile can let others believe that you don’t care about your oral health. It severely affects the interactions because people will make assumptions. We are used to making unwarranted snap judgments about others' looks, including their teeth. Therefore, chipped, crooked or yellow teeth speak volumes about your focus on oral and dental care.


Tips to Boost Confidence

But don’t feel lost! Here are a few tips to elevate your smile:

1. Straightening the teeth will improve your smile and self-esteem. To achieve this, you can receive aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry, i.e. braces.


2. Regular check-ups are considered important for oral care and should be done every six months.

3. Teeth-whitening treatments positively contribute to bright and whiter teeth, which boosts your self-confidence.

4. There is only so much a dentist can do, and you must maintain good oral hygiene. For example, flossing and brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes can help maintain your smile.

If you wish to boost your confidence and brighten your smile, visit Advanced Dental Center in Germantown or give us a call at (301) 353-8890. We provide teeth whitening, teledentistry, dental cleaning, and other services using state-of-the-art equipment and digital x-rays in our operating rooms in Germantown, MD.
