8 Most Common Types of Dental Emergencies


Dental emergencies can occur out of the blue. From playing football to eating hard candy, dental emergencies can happen any time, anywhere. A chipped tooth or gum disease are some of the many dental emergencies, after which we have to head to the best cosmetic dentist nearby.

It's important to know the most common dental emergencies and how we can deal with them. By addressing the issue promptly, you can ensure you get the right treatment so that long-term damage is prevented and your oral health is restored.


8 Most Common Dental Emergencies


When you experience pain in your teeth, it could be a sign of tooth decay. Immediately put a cold compress on your cheek. While mild tooth decay heals on its own, if you experience swelling, it might be time to call your nearby clinic for specific dental services.

Chips or Cracks

Biting into something too hard may cause your teeth to chip or break, which not only hurts but also affects your smile. To reduce pain intensity, apply warm water and place a cold compress on the affected area.

Soft Tissue Injury

Injury to soft tissues like your gums, tongue, lips, and inside of the cheeks require immediate attention. Apply warm water to the affected area and seek help from a dentist if the injury persists.

Missing or Lose Dental Restoration

If you find that your dental restoration is loose or about to fall, it means you need emergency dental care. Call your dentist to seek immediate help.

Mouth Sores

Abrasions of braces or gum disease can cause mouth sores. Apply an antiseptic gel and speak to your dentist. A professional dentist will detect what caused the soreness and treat it accordingly.

Broken Jaw

It can be quite a painful experience and can even dislocate your teeth. In such instances, it's important to reach out to your dentist immediately.


An abscess is an infection that starts from the base of the affected tooth and spreads to other parts of the body if left untreated. Rinse with warm salt water and contact your dentist.


Bleeding and Pain Post Tooth-Extraction

After you're done with your tooth extraction, it's common to experience some bleeding and pain since it's still sensitive. However, if you experience the pain even after a couple of hours, you need to see your dentist again.

Dental emergencies can happen anytime, but you mustn't panic. You should take the necessary steps on your own to prevent the injury from worsening and contact a professional dentist to get the right treatment. At Advanced Dental Center, we make sure we deal with all types of dental emergencies. We also provide general dentistry services in Germantown, MD, to address all your oral health needs. So contact us today and book your appointment.



