Old Out, New in – How Often Should You Replace Your Tooth Brush

Do you remember the last time you threw your old tooth brush before it was no longer usable? We restock fresh food items, medical supplements, and skincare products all the time, but when it comes to dental hygiene and replacing our toothbrush, we often lag.

When Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

Your toothbrush keeps you protected from harmful bacteria that may lead to multiple oral diseases such as gingivitis, cavities, and foul breath.

If you’re brushing your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes, you’re good to go. And if you’re brushing more than twice; after every meal or consuming sugary food item, that’s a plus. However, using your tooth brush at that rate will cause its bristles to mangle and wear off at one point, which will again put you at a risk of tooth decay and other oral problems.

According to The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), it’s advisable to change your toothbrush after every three to four months—or less, depending on the usage and its condition.
You know your toothbrush is ready to be thrown away in the bin when the bristles begin to lose their rigor. No matter how many times you brush your teeth in a day and for long, your tooth brush won’t be able to clean the food particles and plaque effectively.

When to Replace the Head of an Electric Toothbrush?

Many people assume that their electric toothbrushes are good as their batteries still work. However, in reality, the head of an electric tooth brush also needs to be replaced after every 12 weeks or sooner, if the bristles begin to wear off.

Some More Reasons to Throw Away Your Old Toothbrush

Besides proper cleanliness, there’s another reason why you’d want to replace your toothbrush: avoiding bacteria and germs. According to a 2015 research carried out at Quinnipiac University, your toothbrush may even be contaminated with “fecal coliforms” (or poop particles in simpler words).
"The main concern is not with the presence of your own fecal matter on your toothbrush, but rather when a toothbrush is contaminated with fecal matter from someone else, which contains bacteria, viruses or parasites that are not part of your normal flora."

Keith Arbeitman, a senior dentist from New York, told Business Insider that the standard 3-4 months timeline doesn’t do well in all cases. For instance, if you’ve had a cold, viral, or any other bacterial infection, it’s extremely important to replace the old toothbrush once you’ve fully recovered. This is because bacteria from your mouth may lurk on the bristles, even after washing it.

Furthermore, if you’ve been using a toothbrush with a plastic cap for protection; replace it. American Dental Association, has confirmed that the bacteria on your toothbrush is never truly harmful, unless you store your brush covered with a plastic cap.

For more information on periodontal maintenance, get in touch with one of the best dentists in Germantown, Maryland. With over 20 years of experience, Advanced Dental Center provides reliable solutions for all your dental issues and concerns. We offer a comprehensive range of dental services including, veneers, fluoride treatment, deep cleaning, teeth whitening and others. Call us at (301) 353-8890 to get in touch.
