Weight and Dental Problems: Is There a Connection?

Striving to have a tiny waist is pretty common these days, but the reasons for doing so are usually social acceptability or fitness maintenance. It’s rarely due to the fear of developing dental issues. But there is a connection between dental issues and being overweight—and this is bad news for all the people who are concerned about their dental health.

Fact or Fat-Shaming?

Some would argue that this is a prejudiced claim to make. But it isn’t a sweeping statement—it’s backed by science. A study conducted on 160 participants concluded that overweight and obese individuals experienced more periodontal problems.

The culprit, it was found out, was plasma inflammatory mediators. It was also found that obese individuals with severe periodontal conditions had a high amount of white blood cells, as well as C-reactive proteins in their bodies; both are indicators of blood inflammation.

The Connection Between the Two

Obesity is linked with internal inflammation, and inflammation is directly linked with gum disease, as well as with many other diseases. Periodontal disease, too, is an infection and an immunity-related disease. What this means is that obese individuals are more vulnerable to the bacteria that cause dental diseases, due to inflammation in their bodies and blood.

What we still don’t know is if obesity causes dental problems—but we do know that there’s a link. For some diseases, such as diabetes, we know for a fact that it exacerbates periodontal disease. With obesity, however, we don’t know for sure.

But we do know that dental care coincides with taking care of your body.

Safety Measures

For starters, be on the lookout for extra pounds you’re putting on. Tweak your diet and substitute greasy, junk food for healthier options.

Moreover, oral hygiene needs to be maintained. Remember, periodontal disease isn’t just linked with diabetes and obesity—it also means you have a greater chance of experiencing a heart attack, and other conditions such as strokes. Where obesity itself carries a risk of cardiovascular disease, gum and periodontal diseases can act as a catalyst in these situations.

Looking after both your physical and your dental health, is important. Correct your daily habits and visit a dentist immediately if you feel that your teeth are hurting or have become sensitive. If you’re looking for a family dentistry clinic in Germantown, come visit us today. You can book an appointment online after going through a list of the dental services that we offer.
