Complications Associated With Root Canal Treatment

Most people associate root canals with pain, anxiety and nervousness.
Relatively a complex surgery than other dental restoration methods, root canal often takes some time to heal. It is usually done when an oral problem arises like irritation or infectivity, which can possibly lead to tooth decay, cracked tooth or even tooth loss.
All in all, root canal treatments alleviate pain and curtail the likelihood of developing an abscess.
On the other hand, many people avoid a root canal treatment. Nonetheless, there are some risks and complications associated with this surgery (of course, unless done by an experienced dentist). That being said, it is important to have some basic know-how of these complications to ensure a quick and comfortable recovery in the following days.


Since preparing and mending the impacted area is a prerequisite to a successful root canal treatment, enduring some level of pain is inevitable. Moreover, this pain is likely to remain for quite a few days post-procedure.
However, varying from person-to-person, the pain can range from being very mild to tremendously sharp. Nonetheless, it’s definitely not unbearable. Conversely, if properly cleaning of the affected area is not conducted, the bacteria can spread and trigger pain. In your case, if the area hurts repeatedly, see your dentist immediately for quick follow-up of the treatment.

Unspotted Crack in the Tooth

Due to an inexperienced dentist’s negligence of spotting a cracked tooth, the complication of your root canal can be worsened. An untreated crack in your tooth’s roots can contribute to the growth of bacteria and escalate the need for additional treatment. An experienced dentist will not commit such a grave mistake and put your oral health at further risk – allowing bacteria to thrive.

Faulty Materials

Post root canal treatment, most patients encounter erosion of the interior seal laid during the treatment over time. This lets the bacteria reappear into the roots of the treated tooth and amplify the damage. This is a tricky situation. You should take additional care to reduce or slow down its occurrence. In other cases, it is the poor-quality of materials and restorations used meagerly that’s guilty of erosion.

Added Problematic Areas

In most scenarios, it is an additional root that’s making your root canal treatment complex. If case a single canal is missing, it allows bacteria to linger, necessitating another root canal.
It is important to note that an additional surgery in the same area is risky as the dentist will have to do away with the previous filling, crown or implant that was placed to secure the roots of the tooth.

You need a root canal treatment that’s free from complexities and problems. Count on us for top-quality, reliable and affordable root canal treatments. Come visit our dentists in Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Frederick dental clinic to leave with a beautiful smile. For appointments, call us at (301) 353-8890.
