Different Types of Gum Diseases You Should Be Aware Of

47.2% of adults aged 30 years and above have some form of periodontal disease.
This is a condition that affects the gums in our mouth and the structure that supports the teeth. However, it is the bacteria present in our mouth that aggravates gum diseases. These bacteria affect the tissues in our mouth, produce inflammation, resulting in periodontal disease.
Needless to mention, the chances of getting infected with periodontal disease increases as we age. Moreover, it is also a result of our negligence towards our dental well-being and certain habits that work against our teeth such as smoking, stress, and poor oral hygiene.
It is important to note that there are different types of gum diseases that can affect us. Here is a brief overview of the basic types:


This is the mildest form of periodontal disease. Resulting from the bacteria that form plaque, it produces substances that can damage our gums. Approximately 3 out of every 4 people aged 35 and above suffer from gingivitis. This disease causes the gums to swell, redden, and become prone to bleeding. Although it results from poor oral health, this condition can be controlled with the help of professional dental treatment and optimum oral care.
Some groups of people are at a greater risk of getting gingivitis than others, these include:
·        Diabetic patients,
·        Pregnant women,
·        Women on birth control pills,
·        People who take steroids,
·        Teenagers


When gingivitis is left untreated, it worsens into periodontitis. Over time, the plaque formation spreads below the gum line. The bacteria present in the plaque produces toxins which irritate the gums and trigger an inflammatory response. As a result, the tissue and bones that supported the teeth break down and get destroyed.

Typically, there are many kinds of periodontitis; however, the most common ones include:

Aggressive Periodontitis: This gum diseases runs through the family; however, it is also common among smokers. It was known as a young person’s disease because it’s more common in younger than older people. Some of the most common features of this gum disease are bone destruction and quick loss of attachment. 

 Chronic Periodontitis: More than 50% of the U.S population suffers from this, making it the most common form of periodontitis. When affected, the gums detach from the teeth, pockets form where plaque builds up, destroying the ligaments and bone.

 Periodontitis caused by the conditions of the body: Here, periodontitis is a symptom of other systemic diseases such as leukemia, neutropenia, and other genetic disorders.

 Necrotizing Periodontal Disease: People suffering from this disease also develop swollen glands and fever. Known for getting worse swiftly, some of its symptoms include bleeding gums, bad breath, loss of tissues present between the teeth, and immense pain.

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Visit their website http://www.advanceddentalgermantown.com/ for more information.
